WHEN I was in elementary, I find joy selling inside the classroom. When I was in high school, I sold imported ready to wear (rtw) clothes, make-ups and then it came to a point, i wanted to be a make-up artist.But when i got hooked with sports, my entrepreneurial interest was set aside.
In college, instead of enrolling in business management, I took up Mass Communication as preparatory for law school (papa said its a good foundation for law school) I wanted to go to law school with two things in mind — One I want to become a human rights lawyer and two a businesswoman-lawyer.
But reaching that goal was not quite easy as several challenges in life came. To ease and deal with the pain, I found comfort in photography. I decided to develop my interest in photography and from there I landed a job in the newspaper which has given me a chance to have a close encounter with people from all walks of life and listen to their different stories of success.
However, that desire to do business is still in me, I did several sidelines or what we call “raket” as an event photographer, had an opportunity to work as a part time teacher, worked as a part time TV reporter, sold food supplement , became an events coordinator and more other things (trial and error experiences). To sum it all, i find joy in multitasking and doing business.
When I was still a full time photojournalist, I like being assigned not only in sports but as well as in the business section because i get the chance to listen and learn from several self-made businessmen and women, it’s not every day you hear from them.
After four years since I graduated in college, I finally pursued law school. I thought it would be easy juggling my time being married, working and in law school but in reality, it was way hard (you have to be a guru in time management). Above all in law school, it’s a different world from my photography exposure, I did struggled. After a year, I stopped law school when we decided to have kids. Several years of attempt of getting back in law school till now I still haven’t done that.
Then recently, an old friend came back into my life and asked me how was life since the last time we saw each other. Then my friend asked me, that if I ever pursued the path of becoming a varsity in volleyball or even tried it to become a member of the Philippine team because of how he saw the fire burning in me since the last time he saw me play in high school. I sat there and become quiet, and realized that I kept on giving up on a dream to pursue another dream but become too coward to make each of that dreams happen. When we were catching up, I told him I wanted to finish my law school and then do business then he told me why not do business and then law school. I told him it would be different if you’re a lawyer then you engage into business then he answered me “Why worry about becoming a lawyer, when you become a successful business women, you can afford to hire a lawyer.” Then I told him that I had given up a lot to prepare myself for law school. A lot of opportunities I wasted. I also told him that me and my military friends once discussed about us all being successful, them becoming future generals, commercial pilots and me a successful lawyer. But he simply replied to me saying “They would be happy to see you do the things that makes you happy and eventually become successful with it. Its not necessary for you to become a lawyer.”
Simple as that and it changed my life perspective like 360 degree.
I then started to recall my goals, one of that goal was when i hit 30 I should be a millionaire but hey I am 34 and still struggling. I don’t know where I heard this from but I believe this is during one of the business forums that I attended. The speaker said that it doesn’t mean you’re poor because you’re lazy. Not all poor people are lazy, it’s just that they haven’t realize what greater things they could have done with that ounce of effort they give to their work or business—all they need is to discover their potential and develop this and use it as a vehicle towards success.
Business. Business. I have a lot in mind before but don’t know where or how to start. I tried to share these dreams to some I thought my friends but find myself being laughed but God heard my prayers and gave me the people that shares my ideals and ambitions. Now, bit by bit those dreams are starting to become a reality.
I believe everything has its reasons why these people came back into my life, why our path crossed again. Thank you lord for these set of people, who believed in me. I know we still have a long way to go, we will face several failures along the way but as long I have this group throughout the journey, I believe its all worth the bumpy ride.
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