The Team

Kristen Marie A. Sesante Leopoldo
Beginning her career as a Photojournalist at The Freeman Newspaper/Philippine Star from 2000 to 2007, she then served as an Accounts Manager from 2007 to 2008. Driven by a passion for sports, she transitioned to a Sportswriter role at CDN
Tristan Zed S. Leopoldo
Developer and Animator
Is a Grade 9 student at Don Bosco Technological Center. He is into game development and animation.
Trisha Zara S. Leopoldo
She is a Grade-VI student at Marie Ernestine School and enjoys reading, cosplaying, vlogging, animation, and writing.
Aika G. Villaflores
SEO Specialist
Aika completed her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at the Cebu Institute of Technology-University and has a vast experience in website and Internet marketing. She has been an SEO specialist and team leader for more than 5 years.
Christine F. Godinez-Ortega
Is a retired full Professor and Director of the Office of Publication & Information, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) in Iligan City. She finished her AB English and American Literature and MA in Creative Writing (Major in Poetry)
Ardelle Merton
Completed Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at the University of San Carlos. A section editor and writer for the Freeman newspaper from 2006 to 2008.
Gerard Pareja
Gerard Pareja aka Klicko Orange considers himself a storyteller who spins lores in both poetry and fiction in Cebuano and English. He also provides content for Cebu Island News, a sister company of zoominglife.
Ceasar Ian Real
Ian is a passionate HR leader with more than a decade of executive leadership experience in Operations, Client Services and Human Resources Management with Commercial Retail, Real Estate, Business Process Services, and Manufacturing companies.
Shellie Ortega
Shellie Ortega is a member of the Marketing and Production team of Cebu Schools Athletics Foundations, Inc. (CESAFI) Live!. She is a budding writer and an aspiring photojournalist. She is currently taking up Bachelor of Arts Major in Communication.
Jean Mari F. Saraña
Jean Mari F. Saraña is a BA-Communication student of the University of San Jose-Recoletos and is currently the secretary of the Supreme Student Council 39th Congress. She was the head of the CESAFI student volunteers marketing group in 2019 and
Jonas Aguilar Taparra
Content Creator
Jonas Aguilar Taparra is an IT graduate of Cordova Public College. A proud member of the Alpha Kappa Rho Cordova Grand Council.
Jovelyn Degamo Torrejas
Multimedia Journalist
A dedicated educator and former Editor-In-Chief of the Cordova Public College publication. She holds  a license in teaching and a strong background in educational leadership and journalistic integrity,  Jovelyn has spent her career committed to the pursuit of knowledge and